Video Tutorials

Congratulations for becoming an e-Learning website owner!

Watch this Welcome Video First!

1. How to Install a New WordPress

2. How to Import the Site

3. How to Become the Admin of the Site

4. An Overview of the Site

5. An Overview of the Dashboard

6. An Overview of the Tutor LMS Plugin

7. How to Add, Edit and Delete Courses

8. How to Add, Edit and Delete Menus and Categories

9. How to Edit the Policies

10. How to Upload Your Own Logo

11. How to Create Discount Coupons

12. How to Connect Your Own Paypal and Stripe

13. How to Connect an Autoresponder

14. How to Customize the emails

15. How to Edit the SEO Plugin - Yoast

17. How to Add Your Own Messenger Chat

18. How to Edit Pages Using Elementor

20. How to Manage the Affiliate Program Setup

21. How to Edit the Notifications Bar

22. How to Edit the Pop-Up

Additional Tutorials

Settings you Have to Make on Mint Mail Plugin

Some More Changes on WooCommerce Settings

How to Exclude Specific Products or Courses from Membership